
Fire of Love

Directed by: Sara Dosa

Cinema program "Fire of Love" in Łódź

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Movie poster Wulkan miłości
Original title: Fire of Love
Runtime: 93 min.
Production: Kanada/USA Release Date: 19 August 2022
Distribution: Against Gravity

Directed by: Sara Dosa
Cast: Miranda July, Katia Krafft, Maurice Krafft

Average rate: 5.0
rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0
2 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: Wulkan miłości on IMDb

Movie trailer: Fire of Love

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szeptucha 4. September 2022, 12:39

Piękna historia miłosna, oparta na faktach. Niesamowite ujęcia potęgi Natury - wulkanów

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