
War Dogs

Directed by: Todd Phillips

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Movie poster Rekiny wojny
Original title: War Dogs
Runtime: 114 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: comedy / drama / war
Release Date: 19 August 2016
Distribution: Warner

Directed by: Todd Phillips
Cast: Miles Teller, Jonah Hill, Bradley Cooper

The true story of two twentysomethings David Packouz'a and Efraim'a Diveroli (Hill and Teller), living in Miami, who manage to take advantage of a little-known government project, which allows small companies to participate in tenders for contracts for the US Army. Gentlemen, start modestly, but with time raking in plenty of money, so they live like kings. The duo gets into trouble when he won a contract worth 300 million dollars to arm the troops stationed in Afghanistan. To achieve it, friends have to cooperate with the types from the "dark star" who turn out to be representatives of the US government.

Average rate: 6.0
rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0
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IMDb© rate: Rekiny wojny on IMDb

Movie trailer: War Dogs

Your comments

jack 25. August 2016, 13:38

Poszedłem śpiący a wraz z rozwojem akcji moje zainteresowanie wzrastało
Film godny polecenia.

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