
Cinema program "Arsenal" in Łódź

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Movie poster Pakt krwi
Original title: Arsenal
Runtime: 93 min.
Production: USA , 2017
Category: crime / thriller
Release Date: 7 April 2017
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Steven C. Miller
Cast: Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Adrian Grenier

In childhood, the brothers Lindel could count only on themselves. However, over time their paths diverged. JP (Adrian Grenier) was successful in the construction industry, and Mikey (Johnathon Schaech) came into conflict with the law and was a gangster. The fate of the brothers again intersect when Mikey is kidnapped, and JP goes to pay ransom demand. While everyone from the environment businessman is convinced that his brother is trying to extort money, JP continues to believe in the innocence of Mikey. Sensing the worst, asks for help to a former friend - a private detective Sala (John Cusack). Together they throw challenge the local mafia, headed by ruthless Eddie King (Nicolas Cage).

Average rate: 2.0
rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0 rating 2.0
6 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: Pakt krwi on IMDb

Movie trailer: Arsenal

Your comments

Ledis 12. April 2017, 21:51

Krwawo i slabo...

DRV 12. April 2017, 18:53

Ale to jest złe, Cage jest fatalny i groteskowy, film na poziomie dolnych poziomów VHS, co to robi w kinie ...

Pepa 8. April 2017, 20:53

To nie jest dobry film. Można śmiało powiedzieć, że to kiepski film.
Sprawę nieco ratuje John Cusack, ale i tak jest bardzo bardzo słabo.
Dlaczego Nicolas Cage to sobie robi? Gdzie się podział fajny aktor z wyczuciem do ról?
Największe brawa za niewymuszoną grę, pełną swobodę i naturalność dla kilkumiesięcznej, rozkosznej dziewczynki. I na tym koniec.

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