
Old Fashioned

Directed by: Rik Swartzwelder

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Movie poster Old Fashioned
Original title: Old Fashioned
Runtime: 115 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: drama / romance
Release Date: 23 June 2017
Distribution: Kondrat Media

Directed by: Rik Swartzwelder
Cast: Elizabeth Roberts, Rik Swartzwelder, LeJon Woods


In the past, the king of student fraternities, now has an opinion of old fashioned, attached to the rules of the solitary.


Uneasy spirit of rebellious attitude to life and relationships. Fleeing from the difficult past, he appears in the town and rents an attic room from him.


Amber and Clay's meeting turns their world upside down, but the painful experience demands that they stay away from each other. These two will find out that love is the art of compromise.


Will Clay go beyond the wall of rules he has built around himself, and will she overcome the fears and wounds of the past?

Old Fashioned is a story of contemporary love in retro style.

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Movie trailer: Old Fashioned

Your comments

Pozhoga 30. June 2017, 18:20

Moja opinia o tej "zajawce" filmu: czy słowo "Bóg" nie potrafiło przejść przez klawiaturę ? Po drugie: to jest film o miłości prawdziwej, takiej jaka być powinna i bywa wcale często - jeżeli to jest "w stylu retro", to tym gorzej dla świata, w jakim żyjemy.

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