
Muppets Most Wanted

Directed by: James Bobin

Cinema program "Muppets Most Wanted" in Łódź

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Movie poster Muppety: Poza prawem
Original title: Muppets Most Wanted
Runtime: 107 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: adventure / comedy / crime
Release Date: 21 March 2014
Distribution: Disney

Directed by: James Bobin
Cast: Tina Fey, Ricky Gervais, Ty Burrell

Sweethearts audience back to the silver screen in the movie "The Muppets: Offline
law. " Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Animal Man, Fozzie Bear and the rest of the entertainment
groups to participate in his crazy show invited such movie stars as Tom
Hiddleston, Christoph Waltz, Salma Hayek, Danny Trejo, and Celine Dion and Lady Gaga.
During the world tour Muppets are embroiled in criminal scandal
on an international scale. Standing behind her greenest of the villains, cunning
Constantine ...

Average rate: 6.0
rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0
14 votes. | Rate movie

Movie trailer: Muppets Most Wanted

Your comments

JJ 1. June 2014, 16:05

Mało Muppetów w Muppetach - film słaby, akcja nie porywa, humor od czasu do czasu. Dwie osoby koło mnie zasnęły w fotelach.

Coco 28. April 2014, 11:18

Nuda kompletna,niezmieszane,nie polecam....

Senja 2. April 2014, 7:44

Klasyka :)

Madelaine 30. March 2014, 20:09

Jak zwykle fajnie popatrzec na niezapomniane Muppety :)...Konwencja ciekawa- chyba ciekawy pomysł z tym gułagiem...
Czy ktos pamieta muppety z zeszłego roku?...jak wypada porownanie?...

EMIL 28. March 2014, 19:25

SUPER FAJNY!!!!!!!!! POLECAM!!!!!!!!

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