
Marie's Story

Marie Heurtin
Directed by: Jean-Pierre Améris

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Movie poster Historia Marii
Original title: Marie Heurtin
Runtime: 94 min.
Production: Francja , 2014
Category: biography / drama
Release Date: 23 September 2016
Distribution: Kondrat Media

Directed by: Jean-Pierre Améris

Deaf and blind since birth, 14-year-old Marie Heurtin can not communicate with the world. It behaves like a wild animal that is afraid of the unknown surrounding reality, because it is unable to see or hear. The doctors said is impaired, but Marie's father does not agree with their diagnosis. Million Dollar Baby is trying to establish contact with his daughter and contrary to the opinion of specialists do not want to give her asylum. Desperate and helpless places it in Larnay Institute - the educational institution where the nuns care for deaf girls. Despite opposition from Mother Superior, Marie goes under the wing of a young Sister Margaret, who sees the extraordinary potential opportunities. Million Dollar Baby is trying to restore it to the world and bring the dark and soundless abyss in which it is present from birth. Despite the mistakes and moments of despair and finally achieves success. Thanks to her dedication, faith and boundless love Marie changed beyond recognition.

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