

Directed by: Rob Letterman

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Movie poster Gęsia skórka
Original title: Goosebumps
Runtime: 103 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: action / fantasy / adventure
Release Date: 5 February 2016
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: Rob Letterman
Cast: Jack Black, Dylan Minnette, Odeya Rush

Teenager Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette), forced by their parents to move, suddenly begins to see her good side - all thanks to the beautiful mysterious neighbor - Hannah (Odeya Rush). Unfortunately, the girl hiding in the house and reluctantly agrees to a meeting. Soon it turns out that the daughter of the same amp; Stine (Jack Black), author of bestselling horror novel for young people - "Goosebumps". And this is the reason the real problems that will soon fall on the whole town. Amazed Zach discovers that the monsters, which you write Stine, are ... true, and the author of stories about them protecting people in front of them, holding them in a closed padlock on the books. However, it comes to the event through which the monsters are accidentally released and take control of the town. Safety of residents is now in the hands of Zach, Hannah and the Stine.

Average rate: 8.0
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Movie trailer: Goosebumps

Your comments

H22 15. February 2016, 21:34

Ok. Zabawny. Szybkie tempo akcji.

Rambokox 5. February 2016, 17:55

Świetny film jeden z lepszy naprawdę polecam w 100%

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